Dedicated to children with special needs
The Child Development Centre at the Polaris Neurosciences is a complete rehabilitation set-up which aims to cater to the Neurological and Developmental problems in children with special needs in a holistic way. It is a one stop centre with state of art facilities to help children and their parents deal with Neurological, Educational, Psychological and Behavioural problems.
Our team consists of experienced, trained experts like Pediatric Physiotherapist, Occupational therapist, Special Educator and Speech therapist.
The team approach involves thorough scientific evaluations of the children and providing highly specialised multidisciplinary inputs to make a treatment protocol befitting the patient goals.

Our earnest endeavor to make their lives better
The therapy rooms contain modern equipments which are children-friendly and a lot of therapy is play based, to make the child to actively participate in the rehab process. A variety of integrated programs such as Early intervention screening, sensory play, ADL training, educational programs,
remedial programs, speech therapy sessions, play based therapy, group therapy etc. have been designed for mainstreaming of the children with
special needs. Most of the programs are based on one-on-one therapist child interaction providing adequate time for the sessions
We conduct various free check up and awareness camps for sensitising the citizens about the special needs and differently abled kids, thereby improving their societal acceptance
Services Provided
Neurological and Developmental Paediatric Assessments
Genetic work-up and Counselling
Paediatric Physiotherapy
Occupational therapy (OT)
Sensory Integration (SI)
Speech Therapy
Psychological Counseling For Parents And Siblings
Our earnest endeavor to make their lives better
Services Provided
Who can approach
Children with special needs
● Autism Spectrum Disorder
● Cerebral Palsy
● Mental Retardation
● Genetic disorders affecting development: Down’s syndrome
● Childhood neuromotor disorders
● Learning Disabilities
● Global Developmental Delay
● Childhood behavioural and emotional problems
● Sensory Processing Disorder, Hearing and speech impairments