A helping hand towards optimal health
Polaris Advanced Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation center has a team of highly skilled and experienced therapists who aim to take care and support patients through all levels of neuro rehabilitation. We provide goal- based functional rehabilitation aimed at helping patients resume activities of daily living. We expertise in treating patients with spinal cord injury, stroke/paralysis, traumatic brain injury and other medical conditions requiring neurological rehabilitation.
Equipped with state of the art machines, latest and advanced physiotherapy techniques (taping, cupping,dry needling, Mulligan, mobilization and manipulation) , highly trained rehab team, Polaris Physiotherapy department works to provide a customised treatment as per the requirement and suitability of the patient.
Our expertise lies not only in dealing with neurological problems but also in disease and injuries pretaining to
Orthopaedics, vestibular disease and post surgery rehabilitation.

Our Mission
To Make People WALK
People who have suffered injuries or have developmental problems or paralysis because of neurological disorders.

Get the touch of care
Our Modalities
Advanced Physiotherapy
Advanced Practice in Physiotherapy refers to a level of clinical practice where physiotherapists make complex decisions and manage risk in unpredictable contexts using advanced clinical reasoning. It can potentially improve patient/client outcomes, health-system processes and health care costs.

Cupping is an ancient healing therapy that some people use to ease pain. A provider places cups on your back, stomach, arms, legs or other parts of your body. Inside the cup, a vacuum or suction force pulls skin upward.
Taping is usually used by physiotherapists to change Muscle Tone, Move Lymphatic Fluids, Correct Movement Patterns, and Improve Posture. Kinesiology tape is a therapeutic tape that is applied to the body to decrease pain, reduce swelling, and improve functionality.
Dry needling treats muscle tissue, and its goal is to reduce pain, inactivate trigger points and restore function. It rarely is a standalone procedure. Rather, it often is part of a broader physical therapy approach incorporating other tradition
Myofascial Release (MFR) is a holistic, therapeutic approach to manual therapy, popularized by John Barnes, PT, LMT, NCTMB. MFR offers a comprehensive approach for the evaluation and treatment of the myofascial system, the system of tissues and muscles in the bodyal physical therapy interventions into treatmen
Licensed chiropractors adjust the body to improve alignment, ease pain, and restore movement in the spine or joints. This is called spinal adjustment. Recent research shows that it can work as well to relieve pain and discomfort as drugs and surgery, and it is also safer.
Muscle Energy Technique (MET) is a manual therapy that uses the gentle muscle contractions of the patient to relax and lengthen muscles and normalize joint motion. MET is often applied to patients who suffer from muscle spasms.
Taping is commonly used as an adjunct to other physiotherapy techniques. Athletes often make use of taping as a protective mechanism in the presence of an existing injury.

• Kinesio taping
• Mulligan taping
• McConnell taping
• Relieve pain.
• Improve joint stability.
• Enhance athlete confidence.
• Reduce injury recurrence.
• Prevent injury.
• Reduce strain on injured or vulnerable tissues.
• Correct faulty biomechanics.
• Inhibit muscle action
• To reduce oedema
⦁ Severe allergy
⦁ Open wound
⦁ Presence of deep vein thrombosis
⦁ Infection
⦁ Altered sensation
⦁ Active cancer
⦁ Uncooperative patient
Dry Needling
⦁ Dry needling is a technique physical therapists use for the treatment of pain and movement impairments
⦁ Filiform needles are fine, short, stainless steel needles that don’t inject fluid into the body. That’s why the term ‘dry’ is used.

There is more to this technique than just sticking a dry needle into your skin and magically making you feel better. Needling creates a lesion that starts a process of physiological mechanisms remodeling injured and inflamed soft tissue.
Overall, what makes needling effective is that it basically encourages your body to fix the injury and reduce the pain by naturally healing itself.
• Low back pain
• Neck pain
• Elbow pain
• Spinal Dysfunction
• Joint Dysfunction
• Sciatica
• Disc Problems
• Tendinitis
• Pelvic Pains
• Night Cramps
• Post-Herpetic Neuralgia
⦁ Abnormal bleeding tendency
⦁ Compromised immune system
⦁ Vascular disease
⦁ Pregnancy
⦁ Frail patients
⦁ Patients with epilepsy
⦁ Psychological status
⦁ Patient allergies
Myofacial release (MFR) is a holistic therapeutic approach to mannul therapy popularized by JOHN BORNS PT,LMT NCTMB.
MFR offers a comprehensive opproach for the evolution & treatment of the myofacial sytem.the system of tissues & muscles in the body.
-MFR release is a manual therapy technique often used in message the technique focus on pain believed to arised from myofacial tissue the body thought membranes that wrap connect and support your muscles.

-MFR therapy focus on realsing muscular shortness & tightness there are no of could and symptoms that myofacial realsed therapy addresses .may patient seek myofacial treatment after losing flexybilty or funcations following an injury or if exeprencing ongoing back shoulder,hip,or virtually pain in any area connecting soft tissue.
– Other wound treated by myofacial nerve therapy invludes TMJ tempo mandibular disorder,carpal turnel syndrome or possibly fibromyalagia or migrane headache patient symptoms usually include.
– Tightness of the tissues that restrivts motion or pulls the body out of aligment causing individuals to favor & overse one hip or shoulder for ex-sence of excssive pressure on muscles or joint.
• Inflamation
• Patient uncomfertable with touch
• Dernatitis
• Infection disease
• Frcture/open wound
• Osteoarthritisis
• Taking blood clotting medicine
• Postural abnormalities
• Pain unplaints have not responded to conservative treatmen
• Asymmetried muscles weakness
• Rom has not improve with traditional
• Reduce pain
• Improve muscles function
• Improved movements & flexibility
• Reduced ex realted shortness

Licensed chiropractors adjust the body to improve alignment, ease pain, and restore movement in the spine or joints. This is called spinal adjustment. Recent research shows that it can work as well to relieve pain and discomfort as drugs and surgery, and it is also safer.
What is Muscle Energy Technique (MET)
Muscle Energy Technique (MET) is a manual therapy that uses the gentle muscle contractions of the patient to relax and lengthen muscles and normalize joint motion. MET is often applied to patients who suffer from muscle spasms.

- To cause relaxation and lengthening of the muscles
- Improve range of motion (ROM) in joints.
- MET as a preventative measure to guard against future injury of muscles and joints.
- To increase ROM due to facet joint dysfuntion in the back and neck
- Treat chronic muscle pain & stiffness
- Broader areas such as shoulder pain , scoliosis, sciatica, asymmetrical legs, hips or arm .
Applied thoughtfully,
• Avoid in acute fracture.
• Sever spasm .
• Severe strain, open wound.
• Unresponsive /unconscious patient.
• Un-coopreative ,metabolic bone of other disease ex. osteoporosis
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